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Fall Maintenance Checklist

fall maintenance

Fall is a great time of the year to take a look around your home and address any issues that might have come up over the past year. Our home does so much for us day in and day out but it needs a little love to make sure it stays healthy and happy. Here are a few home maintenance tasks to keep in mind that can help save you money and potential headaches.

HVAC Check-Up

It’s a good idea to have your furnace inspected once a year before you go into the cooler months. Your heating and cooling systems, when maintained, can last a very long time. A licensed HVAC professional will tune up your system and make sure there aren’t any looming issues before pumping the heat throughout autumn and winter.

Check Doors and Windows

Our doors and windows have weatherstripping and seals to prevent not only moisture from getting in but small pests as well. Check to make sure your weatherstripping in good shape and doesn’t need replacing before it gets too cold and unwelcome visitors trying to get in.

Gutters & Downspouts

One of the great reasons we love N.C. is that we get all seasons, including autumn leaf changes. Unfortunately, as those gorgeous leaves fall and the pine cones drop our gutters can get bogged down. Make sure to keep them clear so water can be diverted away from your home as intended.

Battery Check-Up

Replace old batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are in tip-top shape. A good rule of thumb is to check these detectors twice a year when you “fall back” an hour and again in the spring.


Do a visual check on your fireplace, whether it is wood-burning or gas, to make sure it is good working order. If you see anything that looks out of place or concerning it may be worth having a professional check it out before lighting the first fire of the season. Santa will thank you!

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